
Abstracts of Hoover’s people

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Main Entry/Title Accession Register #
Douglas, Dr. Gilbert F., Jr.; news clip on farm, 3/12/75 125-90-82
Braddock, O.E., death notice, 9/12/75 126-90-83
Braddock, O.E., pic of Mrs. E. Braddock, John Hodnett at street naming 133-90-90 (filed AR-126)
Bates, Charlie, owner Bates Green Valley Shell Service Station since 1972 137-90-94
Pike, Flora Mae Milner, 1893-1990 147-90-104
Ms. Mary Morgan Graves, author “History of Valley United Methodist Church), incl. pic 159-90-114
John Hodnett, former mayor, news clip 163-90-118
Dr. Susan McCollom, missionary doctor, Kenya 170-90-125
Chriss Doss, news clippings 171-90-126
Albert Belcher, co-owner Birmingham Barons, history, news clips 172-90-127
Mike Bailey, news clip 175-90-130
Helen Stephens, Boss of the Year, news clip 182-90-137
Mrs. W. D. Truss 195-91-2
Mrs. Harvey J. Hooks, B’ham Bus & Prof. Women’s Club, Woman of Achievement 1968, clipping 226-91-33
Richard Smith, Hoover Finance Director 239-91-46
Jack Sellers, clipping 249-91-56
William Joseph Billingsly 256-91-63
Geraldine Eddy Goodwin, funeral liturgy 294-91-101
Inez McCollum, BE&K “Weekly Insider” 5/20/92, pic w/book “History of Hoover” 296-92-1
Vietnamese Refugee Family, Nhi Van Nguyen, 1436 Al Seier Rd, 1975 306-92-11
O. A. Lindsey, early resident of Patton Chapel 308-92-13
Tucker, Tommy 313-92-18
Rabb, Ann Moon, picture, Woman of Year Award 351-94-5
McAllister, V.C., picture of store and story 352-94-6
Wynn, William, historic sites, horse path park 354-94-8
Crouch, Jack 373-95-4
Brush, Edith Davis 1214-02-39
Jack Natter, two-star admiral, retired Navy, Over the Mtn Journal, 11/7/2002 1222-02-47
Umlauf, Arthur (sculptor) 1224-02-49
Ken Hubbard, owner Western Super Market 1234-03-02
Witt, Kay; exits School Board after 3-yr term, news clip 1278-05-06
McCollum, Barbara; Hoover mayor 2000-2004 1279-05-07
Kurt Lang, founder Carto-Craft Corp., interview 10/14/04 1302-06-22
Soon-Box Lee Sellers, art gallery 1306-06-26
The History of the Family of William Henry Hoover, founder of Hoover, Alabama 1325-07-12